Unique Holiday Dishes

Part of the joy of the holidays is gathering with friends and family while sharing a meal. Food is the cornerstone of the season, and Christmas season is party season! Sure, you’ve got your traditional recipe favorites that are never to be tampered with (Mom’s pumpkin roll, for instance). But every now and then it’s fun to …

Where A Few Holiday Traditions Originated

“Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of your childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth, and transport the traveler back to his own fireside and quiet home!” – Charles Dickens Just thinking about holiday traditions and family gatherings brings a smile to most people’s faces …

McAdams Homes Update: November 2021

What a whirlwind this year has been? We’ve come off a year of uncertainty into a year of ‘off to the races!’ Now as we enter into the holiday season, we take time to pause and reflect on the year and focus on what’s to come in 2022. It was an honor over the last …

Home Values On the Rise

Homeownership is still a crucial part of the “American dream” and is a key pathway to building generational wealth. For those that own a home, it’s clear that there are considerable benefits both emotionally and financially. Not only does buying a home help with long-term stability but it is one of the best ways to …